The last CAPAZ OnePager! – Participatory journalism to reconstruct the past
We have completed our onepager publications as part of the Education and Science Diplomacy project. There were 12 documents, various topics, experiences, and much research. We would like to thank the researchers who shared their academic work, research, and projects through these documents. These are all available at www.instituto-capaz.org/publicaciones and academia.edu.
In this, the last onepager, we touch on the topic of participatory journalism.
The hacemos memoria participative journalism collective invited a group of inhabitants to attend its consultancies: training spaces designed for participants to learn about the importance of memory, identify the dynamics of the armed conflict in their region, and join in a process of participatory production of journalistic content about the violent events that took place in their community. In this onepager, we discuss the outcomes of this process.
The work undertaken in hacemos memoria in the communities it supports is driven by the possibilities offered by participatory journalism, which ensures that a group of citizens actively participates in the research, analysis, and dissemination of information. An exchange of knowledge is reflected in the five stages of the consultancy process.
- Formation and framing of the group being advised.
- Academic training and selection of the events of the violent past that will be reconstructed.
- Research and collaborative production of a journalistic piece.
- Design of a dissemination strategy to ensure the appropriation of this content locally.
- Evaluation of the process.
Read the rest of the analysis and download onepager #12 here.