Línea Azul’s Video CAPAZ on environment, indigenous peoples, armed conflict and peace in Colombia
CAPAZ is pleased to present the video that goes with the publication titled: “The Environment and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia: Implications for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and International Criminal Justice”, by Ricardo Pereira, Britta Sjöstedt and Torsten Krause.
Both the video and the Policy Brief are part of CAPAZ’ Línea Azul editorial line, focusing on research and academic work in the context of the project led by CAPAZ together with CEDPAL of the University of Göttingen, intended to support justice, truth, and the defense of human rights in Colombia from an academic perspective.
In this new audio-visual piece from the Línea Azul series, the authors go into greater detail about the topic of the publication, emphasizing the interrelationships and impacts of the Colombian armed conflict on the environment and from the perspective of indigenous communities, in the context of transitional justice and international criminal justice.
Watch and share the Línea Azul video on the CAPAZ YouTube channel (in English, with subtitles in Spanish)
Access the Línea Azul Policy Brief 2-2021 on which the video is based (.pdf, in English)
As part of the advisory project for the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR) entitled “Stabilisation of peace in Colombia through justice, truth and defence of human rights“, coordinated by CAPAZ and CEDPAL, the Línea Azul editorial line—called this because of its distinctive colour—has, since 2020, published policy recommendation documents and audio-visual resources resulting from the project, through which it seeks to facilitate knowledge and understanding of relevant issues for the implementation of the SIVJRNR mandate. Editorial and multimedia resources are produced in a language that is easily understood by transitional justice experts and non-experts alike:
Línea Azul
Policy Briefs:
PB1-2021: The Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR) in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic – Juliette Vargas, et.al. – Acceso/Access
PB2-2021: The Environment and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia: Implications for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and International Criminal Justice – Ricardo Pereira, Britta Sjöstedt and Torsten Krause – Acceso/Access
PB3-2021: Access to justice across borders: victims abroad and their participation before the JEP – Indira Yiceth Murillo Palomino, Laura Ximena Pedraza Camacho – Acceso/Access
PB7-2020: How do victims participate in the JEP? – Juliette Vargas, Juliana Galindo – Acceso/Access
PB6-2020: The role of restorative justice in Colombia’s Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition – Camila de Gamboa Tapias – Acceso/Access
PB 5-2020: A decolonising articulation between state justice and self-justice – Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Acceso/Access
PB4-2020: The JEP does not mean impunity! Myths, Misperceptions and Realities about the Special Jurisdiction for Peace – Susann Aboueldahab, Kai Ambos – Acceso/Access
Videos #Expert*sNosExplican (2020-2021):
Restorative justice – Camila de Gamboa (1)
Restorative justice in transitional justice – Camila de Gamboa (2)
The role of restorative justice in peacebuilding – Camila de Gamboa (3)
Boaventura de Sousa Santos and the decolonisation of state justice
Boaventura de Sousa Santos and legal pluralism
Boaventura de Sousa Santos on state justice and ethnic justice
Susann Aboueldahab and Kai Ambos on the role of the JEP
Susann Aboueldahab and Kai Ambos on the JEP and the idea of impunity
Find out more about the CAPAZ/CEDPAL-coordinated project / Access CAPAZ publications / Subscribe to the CAPAZ YouTube channel.
(NW: Claudia Maya. Inglés: Tiziana Laudato)