Truth commissions and gender: A book edited by CAPAZ and Uniandes
In partnership with founding member Universidad de los Andes, CAPAZ edited and published the book entitled “Truth commissions and gender in countries of the Global South: Decolonial, retrospective and prospective perspectives of transitional justice. Lessons learned for the Colombian case”.
CAPAZ Science Collaborator, Juliana González is the author of the publication together with Diana Marcela Gómez, Diana María Montealegre, and María Mónica Manjarrés (editor and compiler).
“Truth commissions and gender in countries of the Global South is the outcome of collaborative study with universities, national and international think tanks, and social organisations. These collaborations serve to fuel the work of the Truth Clarification Commission in Colombia. In this respect, the book deals with the concerns of academics and feminist and LGBTI activists for peace and transitional justice that transcends the hegemonic, liberal, and conservative visions of both discursive apparatuses.
Based on decolonial, feminist, and gender studies perspectives, as well as on an indiscipline of academic boundaries, it invites us to broaden the transformative dimension of transitional justice, it examines the progress, obstacles, and challenges faced by the Truth Commission in Colombia in the first half of its mandate, and invites a critical look at the experiences of other truth commissions and memory exercises in countries of the Global South.
As a unit, this book adopts a critical and proactive approach to transitional justice based on a retrospective and prospective perspective. It is intended to help recognize the weaknesses and potential of transitional justice to advance social change, as well as the implementation of this type of justice from a radical vocation that can best respond to the expectations of the victimised and contribute to the construction of a political transition and transformative peace”. Diana Marcela Gómez, Angélica Bernal, Juliana González, Diana María Montealegre, and María Mónica Manjarrés (Academic editing and compilation)*.
The book launch will be held on October 22 on-site and on October 28 online. On the 22, the event will be held at Universidad del Norte (room 2261) at 4:00pm. And, on the 28th, the online session will run from 5:00 to 6:30pm.