This was session #8 of the inter-university chair on historical narrative
Photo by the Communications Team, at Universidad de Antioquia, seccional Urabá
The eighth session of the international inter-university chair Continuing the Road to Peace: The Legacy of the Colombian Truth Commission was held on September 30 in the Auditorio Sede Ciencias del Mar in Turbo – Antioquia. On this occasion, students, teachers, and professionals from the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) and the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV), provided key points for the analysis of the historical narrative of the Colombian armed conflict.
The beginning of the lecture by Professor Maria Emma Wills, a Colombian political scientist with an extensive body of interdisciplinary work, focuses on answering questions about the origin of the conflict, its development, and the actions of the different parties involved. In her discourse, she explores political violence, its transformations and degradation, as well as its persistence, despite the many pacifist efforts and advances towards democracy and coexistence in recent decades.
It is approached from 1958, with the creation of the National Front, as a watershed between the bipartisan civil war and Colombia’s decades-long internal armed conflict. That year is spoken of as the beginning of the process of clarification, however, she considers that we must also look at a period providing context, to explain how the events that unleashed the war were implicated. Thus, the conversation goes back briefly to the 1920s, when social and class problems began to be expressed. This is not intended to show absolute continuity, but to frame a long-term process.
In a highly participative lecture involving students and professors, Professor Wills affirmed that “the war has made it clear that we are not in a democratic society“. This opened a significant discussion that ended in a series of questions and answers between online and on-site audiences.
The next session
The ninth session of the CAPAZ-led International Inter-University Chair, titled Structural Racism, will be held at Universidad del Atlántico, Puerto Colombia, tomorrow, Friday 07 October at 10:00 a.m., and will be broadcast live on our YouTube channel https://youtu.be/C4sNYDG91Kc
Revisit session #8 on Historical Narrative:
Próxima sesión
La novena sesión de la cátedra interuniversitaria internacional liderada por el Instituto CAPAZ, denominada “Racismo estructural”, tendrá lugar en la Universidad del Atlántico, Puerto Colombia, mañana viernes 07 de octubre a las 10:00 a.m., y contará con transmisión en vivo a través del nuestro canal de YouTube https://youtu.be/C4sNYDG91Kc