The online course on the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition for members of the security forces has
The online course “Public Force and the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIJVRN)” was launched on Thursday, January 27. The course is run in partnership with CAPAZ-founding university, Universidad del Rosario.
This course specifically targets members of the security forces (mostly former members) who are undergoing a process in one of the SIJVRN entities, namely, who are appearing before the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), or who are in the process of searching for persons with the Unit for the Search of Disappeared Persons (UBPD).
The team of teachers and monitors introduced themselves to the students, explained the structure of the course, where the idea for it originated, and organised a series of integration activities so that the participants could get to know each other. The team that will be in charge of the course is a group of professionals, students, professors, and researchers from the School of Law at Universidad del Rosario. They explained that the idea of teaching this course came from a group of professors at the School of Law who are interested in learning more about participation in the SIJVRN.
This course is not only intended for students to learn a little more about the SIJVRN and resolve any doubts they may have; rather it is part of a broader investigation by the professors, intended to systematize the experiences of people who have gone through the SIJVRN, especially those of key actors such as the security forces.
The course consists of four modules
- An introductory module
- A module dedicated to the CEV’s Truth Commission
- A module dedicated to the UBPD + officials
- A module dedicated to the JEP
An official from each entity will take part in each module and will be in charge of providing in-depth explanations of what it has been like for members of the security forces in each of these institutions.