In accordance with the established in the Governance Statute of the German-Colombian Peace Institute, we are pleased to present our new CAPAZ associate members.
In a meeting held on December 6, 2018, at the CAPAZ office in Bogotá (Cra. 8 No. 7-21, Claustro de San Agustín), the representatives of the founding institutions of the CAPAZ Consortium selected the following German and Colombian higher education institutions as our new associate members:
In Colombia:
Universidad de Antioquia
Universidad de Caldas
Universidad del Cauca
Universidad de Ibagué
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Universidad de Medellín
Universidad del Norte
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín
In Germany:
University of Erfurt (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Centre for Latin American Studies – ZILAS)
We would like to thank all the institutes that applied to be part of our team and we are very happy to welcome on board the ten institutions mentioned above, together with which we will broaden our German-Colombian academic cooperation network through CAPAZ.