The CAPAZ Institute, new member of the ADLAF Association
CAPAZ is pleased to announce its official appointment as an institutional member of the German Association for Research on Latin America (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung – ADLAF).
The CAPAZ membership of ADLAF was confirmed at the meeting of the association’s board on June 7, 2018.
CAPAZ is the only institutional member which promotes Colombian-German academic cooperation. With its membership, CAPAZ strengthens its purpose of being a networking platform between researchers, institutions and universities of both countries.
What is ADLAF?
Since 1965 ADLAF brings together research groups, individual researchers and institutions with an interdisciplinary focus on Latin America Studies.
The ADLAF Association aims to provide information sources and materials about Latin America to its members and interested public. ADLAF promotes research, teaching, publications and interdisciplinary collaboration related to the Latin American Studies. It also aims to increase cooperation among related institutions in Germany and abroad. Currently, the ADLAF Association has working groups focused on the Andean countries, Brazil, knowledge dynamics, international relations in Latin America, and Latin American history from a global perspective. The CAPAZ Institute is one of the approximately 30 institutes and more than 200 researchers that currently be part of ADLAF. More information about the ADLAF Association on its website
You can read the program of the ADLAF Conference in 2018 on football and Latin America (in Spanish)