The calas centre and the university of havana offer a scholarship for research at the school of philosophy, history and sociology at the university of Havana, Cuba
The Maria Sibylla Merian Centre for Advanced Latin American Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities (CALAS) and Universidad de La Habana are offering a scholarship for the CALAS Chair at the School of Philosophy, History, and Sociology at Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. The Chair is funded by CALAS and covers a stay of 4 to 6 months in Cuba.
Thematic area of specialisation: Socio-Ecological Transformation – productive matrices, renewable energies, and power.
The CALAS Chair at Universidad de la Habana wants to promote the study of socio-ecological transformation through the prism of the social and human sciences. Researchers are invited to present projects that address the issues of socio-ecological transformation, focusing on the challenges of changes in the productive and energy matrices; linking the issues of power configurations with transformation process. The call is open to academics with university training in the Humanities or Social Sciences with projects that promote perspectives that connect with structural, relational and representational reflections, that propose innovative theoretical and methodological approaches that lead to new readings and solutions to the multiple crises facing the region and the world in these issues.
The call is open to academics with PhDs in the Humanities or Social Sciences, who will be evaluated in terms of their scientific reputation, experience in the main topic, and the quality of the project. An excellent command of Spanish is required.
CALAS is committed to inclusiveness and gender parity.
Text and image taken from: http://calas.lat/es/convocatorias/c%C3%A1tedra-calascuba-en-la-universidad-de-la-habana?utm_source=web&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=Convocatoria+CALAS