THANK YOU! Over 300 and growing…
With only one week “on air”, we already have over 300 friends following CAPAZ through its Instagram: @instituto_capaz
CAPAZ opened its channels on the social networks Instagram and YouTube on April 20, 2020, where its posts videos, photo stories, news or notes on events and activities, recommendations for CAPAZ publications, academic cooperation activities between Germany and Colombia on peace issues, projects and partnerships with peace organisations…
An #UNIVERSOCAPAZ (#CAPAZUNIVERSE) of content, which will hopefully bring us closer to you to offer a broader panorama of what we do.
Web video column “La paz, ahora más que nunca” (Peace, now more than ever)
Follow the web video-column about peace in Colombia in times of COVID-19, on our social networks. Every Tuesday, we post a new episode featuring comments from experts on how peace is being implemented in Colombia, in the current health crisis.
The web video-column “Peace, now more than ever” was launched precisely to mark the opening of CAPAZ’s own social network accounts.
Did you miss the first two episodes? No problem:
Episode 1 (in Spanish) with Stefan Peters, CAPAZ director and professor at JLU Giessen, on the implementation of peace before and after the pandemic.
Episode 2 – Part 1 (in Spanish) with Axel Rojas, Professor at Universidad del Cauca, on how rural communities live, specifically in El Cauca, the pandemic, and the implementation of peace.
Reaching more than 300 supporters in the first week of Instagram lets us know that you are still there, supporting us to promote research and work for the implementation of peace in Colombia, despite the challenges and recent adversities that we must assume as a society. Share our accounts and content on social networks: we hope to continue growing!
(NW Text: Daniela Forero, Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)