Seminar and Workshop on communication and mental health at Universidad de Ibagué

Seminar and Workshop on communication and mental health at Universidad de Ibagué

On January 24, 2019, researchers from different Colombian universities will participate in the seminar “Conflict, communication and mental health: Experiences on practical work with victims and their recovery process” at Universidad de Ibagué.

The programme includes:

Lectures (Auditorio Central):            9:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

Workshop (La Casona):                       2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

The admission is free of charge. If you want to participate in the workshop you should register at the following link: registration

German researcher Anne-Maria Müller (Global Mental Health Research, Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University of Freiburg) will present advances and recommendations based on her research work in Colombia. Researchers from different universities in the country researching on topics mental health and communication will present their experiences in working with victims. In the afternoon, the workshop will be held with victims of the armed conflict.

The event is part of the research activities regarding to establish the Centro de Memoria Audiovisual para la Paz del Tolima, a project supported by the German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ, Universidad de Ibagué and Universidad Externado de Colombia, under the coordination by the researcher and documentary filmmaker Carolina Patiño.

Download the seminar’s programme (in Spanish)

Download the press release issued by Universidad de Ibagué (in Spanish)


Further information:

Carolina Patiño Ospina, PhD

Profesora Asociada del área audiovisual

Comunicación Social y Periodismo – Universidad de Ibagué
