“Revitalising our diversity”: Hernando Chindoy Chindoy in the new episode of the CAPAZ series on peace in times of COVID
To stand firm and follow the ancestral values, inherited from our grandparents. To celebrate life in its diversity with other beings on Earth. These are some of the reflections expressed by Hernando Chindoy Chindoy, representative of the territorial entity of the Inga peoples in Colombia, in the seventh episode of the CAPAZ web series: “La paz, ahora más que nunca” (Peace, now more than ever).
Episode 7 – La paz, ahora más que nunca (in Spanish)
At one time it was smallpox and measles. Today it is still weapons, the difficult access to basic health services and other rights; threats to life: that of forced recruitment and displacement, that of defence of the territories. COVID is not the first pandemic suffered by Colombia’s indigenous peoples.
The indigenous communities are looking for ways out, while striving to preserve their traditions and teachings passed on to new generations. Life does not wait, life is something to be shared, and, in this plural sense, must be defended. This is all the more important when you know that the nearest health post is at least twelve hours away; when you know that you are the last in line to receive help.
What to do then? Persist in the defence of rights. Strengthen dialogue between communities and with local and regional institutions. Support the work of indigenous peoples by buying their farming and handicraft products.
This is Hernando Chindoy Chindoy’s invitation: “together we have to strengthen our capacities, our imaginations and move forward”.
Follow this and the other episodes of the CAPAZ series “La paz, ahora más que nunca” on Instagram @instituto_capaz and the CAPAZ YouTube channel.
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)