
This section shows our latest publications in the four categories newsletter/SIE, policy brief, working papers and worth readings

The CAPAZ publication series includes academic documents such as working papers and policy recommendations prepared by researchers who study the challenges of peacebuilding in Colombia. The CAPAZ publications are free of charge and open to the public. You can find them here under “Working Papers” and “Policy Brief”. We are also pleased to share with you the CAPAZ books, which you can find under the category “Books”.


Under “Newsletter/SIE” you can find the recent issues of the CAPAZ Newsletter and Servicio de Información Externa – SIE, which we distribute to our subscribers.


Finally, you can read press and publications releases, blog entries, under “Worth reading”.

Der Frieden bringt neue Konflikte

Kolumbien hat sich im November 2019 in die Serie südamerikanischer Staaten eingereiht, die von schweren Protesten erschüttert wurden – nach Chile, Ecuador und Bolivien. Als Reaktion auf Gerüchte über geplante Renten- und Arbeitsmarktreformen rief eine breite Allianz sozialer Organisationen um…