Upcoming CAPAZ and Universidad de Caldas e-learning open session with Commissioner Alejandro Castillejo
Colombian Truth Commissioner, Alejandro Castillejo Cuéllar, will be the guest at the upcoming open session of the CAPAZ School of Online Courses, coordinated by Universidad de Caldas. Commissioner Castilllejo’s lecture is entitled: “Y en la idea del Nunca más, ¿qué es exactamente Nunca más?” (And on the idea of Never Again, what exactly is Never Again) and will be moderated by Hellen Cristancho Garrido (Universidad de Caldas, Colombia).
The talk will be held online on Friday April 9, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. (Colombia time), and will be streamed live on the course’s YouTube channel.
As in other some of the other courses, the session is open to interested persons who are not necessarily students or participants on the programme.
The guest: Commissioner Castillejo
Alejandro Castillejo Cuéllar was elected Commissioner for the Clarification of the Truth in Colombia in 2020. He was appointed to the Commission following the death of Alfredo Molano Bravo. Commissioner Castillejo has a BA in Anthropology from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, a specialisation in Development and Peace from the University of Jaume I, an MA in Peace and Conflict Studies from the European University Centre for Peace Studies, and a MA and PhD in Anthropology from The New School for Social Research. He is an associate professor at the Department of Anthropology at Universidad de los Andes and director of the Programme for Critical Studies of Political Transitions (Programa de Estudios Críticos de las Transiciones Políticas) (PECT).
Find out more on the Truth Commission’s webpage
The online course entitled “Territorial Dynamics and Conflicts” is part of the CAPAZ School of Online Courses’ (ECV) academic offer, developed by the institute and its partner universities since the end of 2020 and during the first semester of the current year.
Find out more: cursosvirtuales@instituto-capaz.org
(NW: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)