In August and September 2018, CAPAZ Academic Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters visited several higher education institutions in Armenia, Manizales, Pereira and Medellín, in the Eje Cafetero and Antioquia departments.

Prof. Dr. Peters met with the institutions’ directors, professors and students, and gave a lecture on the outcomes of the post-agreements and the country’s perspectives for sustainable peacebuilding.

The development of the institutional agenda and the attendance to Dr. Peters’ public lectures was more than positive. Thanks to these academic events and meetings, CAPAZ will be able to support greater visibility of academic and institutional initiatives on peace related topics being developed around the country. The Institute will also support dialogue and exchange with university communities, civil society and local and regional government representatives.

Agenda in Quindío

Prof. Dr. Peters visited Universidad del Quindío and Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt (CUE) in Armenia. He talked about the work of CAPAZ in meetings with the representatives and professors of these institutions and delivered a keynote lecture on the peace process at CUE.

CAPAZ Academic Director at UTP. / Photo: UTP

CAPAZ in Pereira

On August 30, 2018, Prof. Dr. Peters was invited to Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP) to present his lecture “The peace process in Colombia: An assessment of the post-agreement and perspectives for stable and sustainable peacebuilding”.

UTP, in a joint effort with Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in Germany will coordinate the exploratory study: “Persistence of community links and the construction of memory and peace”, one of the proposals selected in CAPAZ’ recent call to support research projects in 2018.

The study coordinators are Dr. Alberto Antonio Berón, Full Professor at Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira and director of the Philosophy and Memory Research Group at the School of Education; Dr. Jefferson Jaramillo, director of the PhD in Social Sciences at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer, from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in Germany.

Prof. Dr. Peters’ visit included meetings with professors from the different schools at UTP and the Honorary Consul of Germany in the Eje Cafetero, Norbert Pudzich. This gave rise to new proposals to strengthen –within the UTP- research in peacebuilding based within different schools and disciplines, as well as the development of joint knowledge transfer activities.

Find out more about  Prof. Dr. Peters‘ lecture and the results of his meetings with professors at UTP (in Spanish).

Students of UTP attended Prof. Dr. Peters’ public lecture. / Photo: UTP

CAPAZ at Universidad de Caldas

On August 31, 2018, Prof. Dr. Peters, invited by the Master’s in Social Justice and Peacebuilding, and the School of Legal and Social Sciences, delivered his lecture at Universidad de Caldas in Manizales.

Prof. Dr. Peters talked to directors, researchers, professors and students about the work undertaken by CAPAZ and gave a talk on the Sistema de Medios Públicos RTVC of Manizales, whose recording studios are on campus at the University.

Read about  Prof. Dr. Peters‘ visit to Universidad de Caldas (in Spanish).

Prof. Dr. Peters gave an interview to RTVC in Caldas. / Photo: Mateo Jaramillo

Universidad de Antioquia welcomed CAPAZ and G8+1 representatives

Prof. Dr. Peters met with staff from Universidad de Antioquia and other institutions that make up G8+1, a group of Antioquia’s public and private higher education institutions working towards strengthening links of cooperation, research and the improvement of educational quality.

CAPAZ and the universities in Antioquia showed willingness to develop joint research and extension activities, in order to fulfil their common purpose to make certain peacebuilding initiatives more visible.

Click here for details of Prof. Dr. Peters’ visit to Universidad de Antioquia (in Spanish).




You can also listen to the information note broadcast by Emisora Cultural at Universidad de Antioquia, on Prof. Dr. Peters’ visit (in Spanish):

Audio Player

Listen to Prof. Dr. Peters’ interview with RTVC, Manizales (in Spanish):

Audio Player