Pensar Colombia conferences
The Institute of Romance Languages at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg invites you to the second series of Pensar Colombia conferences, intended as a space for interdisciplinary debate in which different dynamics of the Colombian conflict and post-conflict are addressed in light of the gender approach. These will be held from October 21, and will take place every month until February 10, 2022. They will be transmitted online at: https://fau.zoom.us/j/62851873347
CAPAZ Science Collaborator Juliana Gonzalez will take part in this lecture series with a paper entitled “The incorporation of the intersectional perspective of the Truth Commission”, which she will present.
The other speakers have diverse backgrounds and points of view: Vanessa Gómez Pereira of UN Women will speak about the life of Magdalena León Gómez on October 21 at 12:00 noon (Colombia time) and 7:00 pm (Germany time). Giovana Suárez from Universidad del Quindío will address the topic of female asceticism in the 1920s on November 25, while Diana Ojeda from Universidad de Los Andes will speak on December 9 on the re-signification of the geographies of violence in terms of gender. Finally, Anika Oettier from Philipps Universität Marburg will speak on the role of gender in disputes in the meaning of peace on February 10 next year.
Each lecture will last 30 to 45 minutes and will be followed by an open discussion with the audience.