PDET and the pandemic: A necessary debate

Participantes durante el taller/Captura transmisión
One hundred and seventy municipalities—prioritised as the most vulnerable and severely affected by the armed conflict—in Colombia are implementing Development Programs with a Territorial-Based Focus (PDET). These municipalities also present the highest poverty rates, illegal economies, and weak or mostly absent institutions.
CAPAZ together with Universidad del Rosario and Leipzig University set up an online workshop focusing on PDETs. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop was held on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. (Colombia time).
The dynamics of the workshop consisted in the sharing of issues concerning the current situation in Colombia’s territories, which served as incentives or starting points for the subsequent discussion. This was intended to provide a space for exchange, in order to better understand the current dynamics with respect to the implementation of the Final Agreement in those areas affected by the armed conflict.
Specifically, participants were faced with two questions: 1) Has the implementation of PDETs mitigated the effects of the pandemic in these areas? 2) To what extent can territorial development be related to the impacts of the pandemic on communities affected by the armed conflict?
Researchers from universities in Colombia, Germany, and the United States attended the workshop as well as representatives of organizations and institutions such as the Truth Commission, CETEC (Cali), and CAPAZ.
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)