Open Call: Summer course – Health, Peace, and Human Rights
This initiative offers a journey through theory, experience, and practice on the relationship between health and peace; conflicts, violence and its transformative potential, the ways of conceiving and building dignity, the future and the possible future. It allows participants to build knowledge (conceptual and methodological), which complemented with their own political, ethical, and aesthetic training that the epistemological approach of the course offers, will enable them to participate in peace-building scenarios with an interdisciplinary, intercultural, popular, feminist and ethnic perspective, in the contexts in which collective actions for the transformation of conflicts take place.
The school is organised by the Peace Unit at Universidad de Antioquia and the Justus Liebig University, Giessen, founding institutions of the CAPAZ consortium.
Deadline for registration: March 31
Dates of the Summer Course: August 5-19, 2023
Find out more: https://www.udea.edu.co/wps/portal/udea/web/inicio/internacional/curso-verano-salud-paz-derechos-humanos