
El Instituto Kroc tiene una iniciativa que se llama Barómetro, con la que hace seguimiento a la implementación de los acuerdos de paz.

The Kroc Institute and its Peace Agreements Matrix Barometer Initiative, which monitors the implementation of the Final Agreement in Colombia, presented its latest report, titled: “Colombia’s Final Agreement in times of COVID-19: Institutional and citizen ownership as key to implementation” in May 2021. The report covers the…


Lina Franco fue una de las practicantes en 2021 en el Instituto CAPAZ.

Lina Franco worked with us at CAPAZ during the first semester of 2021. Below, are her reflection on her professional training and her time at CAPAZ:   “My name is Lina, and I am a final semester student of International Relations at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana….


Colombia vive desde el 28 de abril de 2021 protestas sociales en diversas ciudades y zonas del país.

“Die Zivilbevölkerung in Kolumbien darf uns nicht egal sein” is the title of the brief but powerful article written by Gina Cortés and María Cárdenas—the latter, a PhD student at Justus Liebig University Giessen—published online in the Wissenschaft und Frieden magazine (W&F). The authors review…