Globale Mittelhessen is a political documentary film festival that dates back to 2009. Each year, a series of documentaries from around the world are selected to draw attention to global crises, call for a challenge to the status quo, and raise awareness of the resistance…
The latest CAPAZ Policy Brief is entitled “Reflections and recommendations in a decolonial feminist key for the Truth Commission’s final report”. The text was written by a team of researchers including Diana Gómez Correal, Juliana González Villamizar, Auris Camila Murillo Jiménez, Celenis Rodríguez Moreno, and…
The Forensic Tech Colombia 2021 International Seminar is a three-day event featuring conferences and top-level panels on topics that are key for forensic science research. The event will be held online from November 23 to 25 at different times from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm….