
On April 25th, we attended the forum “Perspectives on Negotiation with the ELN” at the Jockey Club Auditorium at Universidad del Rosario. The forum was organised in collaboration with the Hanns Seidel Stiftung and the Dialogue Centre of the university. The opening remarks were given…


The Truth Commission, officially known as the Commission for Truth, Coexistence, and Non-Repetition, undertook an unprecedented task in Colombia by reconstructing the collective memory of the armed conflict. Over the course of nearly five years, the Commission dedicated itself to listening, seeking to understand and…


In der Woche vom 3. bis zum 6. April 2023 fand in Gießen die Spring School “Basic principles for peace and sustainable development in Ukraine and beyond” statt, welche von der Professur für Friedensforschung der JLU Gießen in Kooperation mit Wissenschaftler:innen  der Gießener Partneruniversität NaUKMA…