
convocatoria archivo sonoro

The beginning of the so-called social outburst on April 28, 2021 reactivated political agendas forged in the National Strike of 2019 -21N- and in the social mobilisations that arose in the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020. With this, Colombian citizens witnessed the…


The Web page Pluriverso de paz is designed to show the results of the community component of the School, Territory, and Post-Conflict project. This project was concerned with investigating how social organisations in southern Tolima have built and are building peace in the midst of…


La Lupa capítulo nuevo Julián Román Instituto CAPAZ

Chapter three of  #VoxPopuli. This is one of the web series of our Science and Education Diplomacy project. Click the link to find out more about the other products included in the project (more videos, opinion columns, and events). In this chapter, Mónika Contreras Saiz…