
Do you remember June 28 at the Jorge Eliécer Gaitán Theater in Bogotá? What were you doing?   Many of us were glued to the live broadcast of the event of the presentation of the Truth Commission’s final report. The theater hall was full and…


Columna El Espectador Andrea Neira masculinidades sector seguridad

CAPAZ Science Collaborator, Andrea Neira Cruz joins the CAPAZ Education and Science Diplomacy project with her opinion column on El Espectador’s Colombia+20 portal. Andrea is a university professor and researcher in Masculinities, militarization, armed conflict, and reincorporation processes. Read the full column here. In her…


Capítulo La Lupa Covid seguridad pandemia+}

This is the seventh chapter of La Lupa, one of the web series of CAPAZ’ Education and Science Diplomacy project. On this occasion, Solveig Richter (Professor of International Relations and Transnational Politics at CAPAZ associate member Leipzig University, Germany) and Laura Camila Barrios (Graduate in…