
We are proud to present Chapter Five of Vox Populi! In this episode, Daniel Castaño (lecturer and researcher at Universidad de Medellín) and Nigeria Rentería (former negotiator in Havana and former High Counsellor for Women’s Equity) answer questions from Chocó educators on issues related to the territorial…


Umweltkonflikte und Ungleichheiten in Kolumbien

Globally, climate justice is more like climate injustice. Especially in Latin America, there are evident social and political distortions of resource extractivism and drastic changes in the environment, such as deforestation for cattle ranching. Colombia is a case in point: in rural regions, conflict over…


This is the most recent publication of the CAPAZ Institute’s editorial project. We present an analysis and a proposal for a particular type of listening required by the Encounters for Truth: opportunities created by the Truth Commission, intended to “promote and contribute to recognising the…