El Círculo Colombo-Alemán de Amistad (Deutsch-Kolumbianischer Freundenkreis e.V. – DKF en alemán) entrevistó al Director Académico del Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz – CAPAZ y Catedrático en Estudios de Paz de la Universidad JLU Gießen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters. La entrevista fue publicada el 30…
With only one week “on air”, we already have over 300 friends following CAPAZ through its Instagram: @instituto_capaz CAPAZ opened its channels on the social networks Instagram and YouTube on April 20, 2020, where its posts videos, photo stories, news or notes on events and…
On Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. (Berlin time), the group of interviewers from the German Node (Nodo Alemania) in support of the Colombian Truth Commission will hold the first open virtual space, intended for those interested in learning about the work of the…