
The German Parliament (Der Bundestag) recently published the Federal Government’s 23rd Report on Foreign Cultural Relations and Education Policy. In the report, CAPAZ is recognised as one of the outstanding activities of the German government’s administration in the preceding year: “Das Deutsch-Kolumbianische Friedensinstitut CAPAZ hat seiner…


The podcast “Voices in exile” includes two new features: in the second episode, the conversation is between journalist and member of the German support group to the Truth Commission, Xiomara Loango, and the Colombian social activist Laura Molano, who left Colombia to seek asylum in Germany. They…


The student group called LatinKnows at the University of Göttingen promotes intercultural and multidisciplinary dialogue on issues relevant to Latin America. Its purpose is the exchange of academic expertise and experience, through events and activities including festivals, seminars and lectures. The CAPAZ Academic Director and…