
Captura de pantalla o screenshot de sesión inaugural del curso virtual de la ECV CAPAZ coordinado por Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

The CAPAZ School of Online Courses (ECV) provides an innovative online academic offer targeting a variety of audiences and guided by professors from prestigious universities and institutions in Colombia, Germany, and other countries. It runs ten free short courses, most of which will start in…


Flyer pieza promocional de la semana de la reconciliación en la universidad externado de Colombia organizada con el Ministerio del interior.

“Weaving Multidimensional Reconciliation in Colombia” is the title of the academic event running during the Reconciliation Week, an initiative convened by the Ministry of Interior and the School of Finance, Government and International Relations at CAPAZ founding member, Universidad Externado de Colombia. Running from March…


Captura de pantalla de la página de inicio o homepage de la página web de Colombia Connect

CAPAZ is one of the institutions that make up Colombia Connect, a German-Colombian cooperation network that has just launched its own website: You can also follow Colombia Connect on its Twitter account:  @ColCONNECT_org Colombia Connect was launched in February 2021, primarily to establish a…