
Flyer o afiche promocional de la conferencia abierta sobre Iniciativa Barómetro del Instituto Kroc, que hace parte del curso virtual ECV de CAPAZ 2020-2021 sobre gestión y gobernanza del conocimiento para la construcción de paz.

  As part of its public academic agenda and through its Online Course School (ECV), CAPAZ invites all those interested to an online conference entitled: “Knowledge, experience, and action on implementation: the Kroc Institute’s Barometer Initiative in Colombia”, to be held on Tuesday March 2,…


Logo de la Revista Eleuthera editada por la Universidad de Caldas

CAPAZ associate member Universidad de Caldas publishes online issue No. 23 (1) January to June 2021 of Revista Eleuthera.  The Ibero-American Journal of Human and Social Development Eleuthera is an open access, APC (Article Processing Charge) free scientific publication that circulates biannually nationally and internationally….


Captura de pantalla o screenshot de sesión inaugural del curso virtual de la ECV CAPAZ coordinado por Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

The CAPAZ School of Online Courses (ECV) provides an innovative online academic offer targeting a variety of audiences and guided by professors from prestigious universities and institutions in Colombia, Germany, and other countries. It runs ten free short courses, most of which will start in…