
Portada Cover Working Paper 1-2021

“Environmental peacebuilding”, the first CAPAZ Working Paper published in 2021, was written by researcher Tobias Ide, professor of Political Science and Public Policy at Murdoch University in Perth. The research presents a brief overview of current debates on environmental security and introduces the theoretical and conceptual…


En 2021, el Nodo de apoyo a la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia en Alemania adelantó una encuestra entre sus usuaios de redes sociales, con el fin de conocer sus intereses y motiaicones en cuanto a contenidos.

At the beginning of 2021, the support group for the Colombian Truth Commission in Germany (Nodo Alemania) conducted a survey on social media to find out the interests and motivations of its audiences. This was intended to help Nodo Alemania to reach out more effectively…


La mesa virtual se realizará con el objetivo de ndentificar experiencias y aportes posibles desde el audiovisual a la salud psicoemocional de las víctimas del conflicto mardo.

CAPAZ, Universidad de Ibagué, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and the University of Freiburg, extend an invitation to audio-visual filmmakers, documentary filmmakers, artists, social communicators and professionals from other social sciences with an emphasis towards the audio-visual field to participate in the online discussion: “How audio-visual material…