
Colombia2020 de El Espectador promueve los diálogos "Hablemos de verdad en los colegios", con apoyo de la Embajada de Alemania en Colombia y el Instituto CAPAZ.

The German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ supported the second meeting of the project entitled: “Let’s talk about truth in schools”, organised by El Espectador’s Colombia2020 and supported by the German Embassy in Colombia. In the debate, which took place on March 25, 2021, students from grades…


Deutsche Welle publica artículo sobre situación en marzo de 2021 en frontera entre Colombia y Venezuela y consulta para ello al director de CAPAZ, Stefan Peters.

“Violence in Venezuela and the open cracks of the peace agreement in Colombia” is the title of an article by the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) in which CAPAZ Academic Director and professor of peace studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters,…


CODEBAC es una de las organizcaciones de víctimas asesoradas por CAPAZ para presentar sus informes ante la JEP.

The CODEBAC Association presented its report to the institutions of the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR) during an event that brought together authorities, civil society representatives, and victims of the armed conflict on March 19, 2021.    CAPAZ advised CODEBAC in…