Here you can find current news about the peace process, the peace agreement, their implementation and the contribution of the German-Colombian Peace Institute.
Home-Office, Hygienevorschriften, Vermeidung sozialer Kontakte: Für viele Länder des globalen Südens sind diese allseits eingeforderten Corona-Präventionsnahmen realitätsfern.
Welche Risiken birgt die Krise um Covid-19 für die soziale Stabilität und brüchige Friedensprozesse in diesen Ländern? Wie lassen sich eine wirtschaftliche und…
“Art, politics, pedagogy, and poetry overlap, integrate, and cross-pollinate into a whole—a form overcoming the agitation/construction polarity”. Camnitzer (2008)
The German group supporting the Truth Commission – Nodo Alemania – welcomes all those interested to participate in the online…
CAPAZ is a new supporter for the International Development Ethics Association (IDEA) Congress: “Development in times of conflict: Ethical paths to peace and justice”, which will be held in Medellín, Colombia, from February 1 – 3, 2021.
The event…
CAPAZ and the Attorney General’s Office, in association with El Espectador’s Colombia2020 extend an invitation to all those interested to participate in the webinar: “The fight against impunity and participation of victims in transition contexts”.
The event held on Tuesday,…
Martha Nubia Bello, professor of the Department of Social Work and coordinator of the Peace Network at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, is our guest on the ninth episode of the CAPAZ Institute’s web series on peace in times of COVID-19.…
The special issue (No. 73) of Revista de Estudios Sociales on: “Violence in Latin America”, edited by research professor Angelika Rettberg (Universidad de los Andes) is now available #openaccess. Professor Rettberg is a spokesperson for UniAndes at CAPAZ.
Access the…