Here you can find current news about the peace process, the peace agreement, their implementation and the contribution of the German-Colombian Peace Institute.
Nach der Eskalation der Gewalt in den vergangenen Tagen in Kolumbien haben Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz (CAPAZ) eine Stellungnahme verfasst, in der sie das Recht auf Demonstrations- und Meinungsfreiheit einfordern und die kolumbianische Regierung zum…
Newsletter No. 5 dated May 2021 of the German Association for Latin American Research (ADLAF), of which CAPAZ is a member, highlights CAPAZ’ information services and digital platforms, including NETCAPAZ.
Download ADLAF Newsletter No. 5 (.pdf, in Spanish and German)…
The Asociación Vallecaucana de Profesionales con experiencia en Alemania (AVAPA), based in Cali, Colombia, will be holding an online event entitled: “Environment, social development and peacebuilding”, in which CAPAZ Academic Director and Professor of Peace Studies at JLU Giessen, Prof.…
The Policy Brief: “Access routes to the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition: a preliminary balance sheet” is an interactive document presenting the fundamentals of the Comprehensive System (SIVJRNR) and its components – namely, the Special Jurisdiction for…
A third and final dialogue in this cycle on why it is important to talk about the truth about what happened in the armed conflict in schools was held on Thursday, April 29, 2021. “Let’s talk about truth in schools”,…
Dr. Mónika Contreras-Saiz, science collaborator at the Institute for Latin American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, together with Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke, directs the project entitled: “Transmission of History through Entertainment Media in Latin America. Laboratory for Memory Research and…