
Here you can find current news about the peace process, the peace agreement, their implementation and the contribution of the German-Colombian Peace Institute.

ADLAF Newsletter 05/2021 promotes CAPAZ Platforms

Newsletter No. 5 dated May 2021 of the German Association for Latin American Research (ADLAF), of which CAPAZ is a member, highlights CAPAZ’ information services and digital platforms, including NETCAPAZ. Download ADLAF Newsletter No. 5 (.pdf, in Spanish and German)…
La Línea Azul editorial del Instituto CAPAZ publica recursos sobre la justicia transicional en Colombia.

Línea Azul CAPAZ – Interactive Policy Brief on the Comprehensive System

The Policy Brief: “Access routes to the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition: a preliminary balance sheet” is an interactive document presenting the fundamentals of the Comprehensive System (SIVJRNR) and its components – namely, the Special Jurisdiction for…