Here you can find current news about the peace process, the peace agreement, their implementation and the contribution of the German-Colombian Peace Institute.
As part of the project “Stabilization of peace in Colombia through Justice and Truth”, developed by the German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ and CEDPAL, Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos and Prof. Dr. Iván Meini conducted two workshops and technical roundtables at the…
Sara Vélez Zapata, a graduate of the Master’s in Interdisciplinary Studies on Development (Cider) at Universidad de los Andes, and a former scholar at the CAPAZ 2017 Winter School is the author of Cider Policy Paper No. 10, published in…
The German-Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ is pleased to present is pleased the magazine in homage to Alfredo Molano Bravo (1944-2019), Colombian historian, sociologist and journalist.
The magazine is a publication by Arcadia, in collaboration with the CAPAZ Institute,…
Der Beitrag zu Kolumbiens Sondergerichtsbarkeit für den Frieden wurde in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Deutschen Richterzeitung als TOP-THEMA (Thema des Monats) veröffentlicht (DRiZ 12/2019).
Darin stellen Susann Aboueldadahab und Prof. Kai Ambos (CEDPAL/Georg-August-Universität Göttingen/CAPAZ) neben aktuellen Herausforderungen für den kolumbianischen…
Those interested are invited to send in their proposals for contributions for the XV International Conference on Engineering, Social Justice and Peace to be held from 11 to 13 June 2020 in Bogota.
The main lines of the event are:…