
Here you can find current news about the peace process, the peace agreement, their implementation and the contribution of the German-Colombian Peace Institute.

“The post-agreement reached Tumaco hand-in-hand with violence”

Luis Gabriel Salas Salazar and Jonas Wolff published the article entitled: “El posacuerdo llegó con violencia a Tumaco” (The post-agreement reached Tumaco hand-in-hand with violence) in March 2020, in the last issue (224) of Universidad Nacional de Colombia newspaper. The…

Juliana González Villamizar invited to the UR INTERCULTURAL Seminar

UR Intercultural, a programme run by the Centre for Peace at Universidad del Rosario intended to promote the dialogue of knowledge and the inclusion of ethnic peoples, invites those interested to the forthcoming session of its permanent research seminar with…

Aufrüstung Südamerikas: Stefan Peters bei Radio Corax

Der Direktor des Deutsch-kolumbianischen Friedensinstituts – Instituto CAPAZ und Professor für Friedensforschung an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU), Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters wurde zum Abendmagazin des Radio Corax eingeladen. Mit Bezug auf den Bericht des Stockholmer Institutes für Friedensforschung (SIPRI) wurde…