
Here you can find current news about the peace process, the peace agreement, their implementation and the contribution of the German-Colombian Peace Institute.

DW reports the killing of activists during the pandemic

The Spanish-language services of the German network Deutsche Welle (DW) highlighted the continuing wave of killings of activists in countries such as Colombia and Brazil, even in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the article entitled: “Sin tregua durante…

“The social time bomb: COVID-19 in Latin America”

The German newspaper TAZ has published an article on the precarious socio-economic and public health conditions in Latin American countries, which are making it difficult for much of the population to cope vis-à-vis the COVID-19 pandemic. CAPAZ director Prof. Dr.…

Der Frieden bringt neue Konflikte

Kolumbien hat sich im November 2019 in die Serie südamerikanischer Staaten eingereiht, die von schweren Protesten erschüttert wurden – nach Chile, Ecuador und Bolivien. Als Reaktion auf Gerüchte über geplante Renten- und Arbeitsmarktreformen rief eine breite Allianz sozialer Organisationen um…