Línea Azul CAPAZ – Interactive Policy Brief on the Comprehensive System
The Policy Brief: “Access routes to the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition: a preliminary balance sheet” is an interactive document presenting the fundamentals of the Comprehensive System (SIVJRNR) and its components – namely, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), the Truth Commission and the Unit for the Search for Missing Persons (UBPD). It explains the mechanisms by which victims can access these institutions, and how they seek either to exercise their rights or to obtain judicial benefits, by voluntary and/or compulsory access to them. Despite not being part of the SIVJRNR, the Unit for the Integral Attention and Reparation of Victims (UARIV) is also considered.
Dr. Laly Peralta (Universidad del Rosario) presents the interactive Policy Brief—which includes links, infographics and other informational resources—in simple, descriptive language. Among other factors, the report highlights the obstacles and opportunities for improvement in terms of users’ access to the SIVJRNR, helping to clarify the system’s complexity and making it a useful information resource for different interest groups and participants in transitional justice processes in Colombia.
Access the interactive document here (in Spanish)
To make sure all the links work, please download and save the document on your computer.
Laly Catalina Peralta González. Associate Professor at the School of Law at Universidad del Rosario. PhD in Humanities from Concordia University (Canada). Master in Social Anthropology from Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá). B.A. in Sociology from the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia). Academic guest at DAAD (Germany) in 2018 and fellow of the International Development Research Centre (Canada), 2014.
The document was written within the framework of the”Stabilisation of the peace process in Colombia through justice, truth and the protection of human rights” project, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
To find out more about the project (in Spanish) / Contact: indira.murillo@instituto-capaz.org
(NW: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)