Línea Azul/CAPAZ Policy Brief 1-2021: The Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR) addressing the Covid-19 pandemic

Portada/Cover PB1-2021, Línea Azul
We are pleased to present our first 2021 Policy Brief published by the CAPAZ editorial Línea Azul, on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Comprehensive System. The following is an excerpt from the publication:
“This Policy Brief analyses the main effects suffered by the institutions of the SIVJRNR in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. To conduct the research, approximately twenty online interviews were held between May and July 2020, with officials from different institutions, victims’ representatives, and academics -both women and men-. It also draws on informal interviews, press reviews, and institutional reports on the topic. Given that the current phenomenon is characterized by quick changes and significant uncertainties, this Policy Brief does not intend to draw final conclusions on the matter. Rather, it seeks to open the debate on the consequences of the pandemic for the peace process, and more specifically, for the institutions of the SIVJRNR. The text also offers concrete proposals to address the unforeseeable consequences of this global crisis in relation to SIVJRNRN institutions, civil society organizations, the Colombian government, and the international community. In this respect, the Policy Brief ends with a series of recommendations which, of course, are open to any type of debate, whether public, political, or academic”.
Juliette Vargas Trujillo. Bachelor of Law from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Master Legum (LLM) from the University of Humboldt (Germany). She is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Göttingen (Germany) and Science Collaborator at CAPAZ and CEDPAL. E-mail: juliette.vargas@instituto-capaz.org
Stefan Peters. Academic Director at CAPAZ and Professor of Peace Studies at the School of Law at Justus-Liebig University Giessen (Germany). E-mail: stefan.peters@instituto-capaz.org
Rosario Figari-Layús. PhD in political science from Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany). Currently works as a researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Peace Studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany). E-mail: Rosario.Figari-Layus@recht.uni-giessen.de
Indira Murillo. Bachelor of Laws from the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Neiva, with a Master’s degree in International Human Rights and Gender Law from the American University Washington College of Law, and Master Legum (LLM) from the Ruprecht Karls University of Heidelberg (Germany). She currently works as a Science Collaborator at CAPAZ. E-mail: indira.murillo@instituto-capaz.org
Valentina Pardo. BA in Languages and Culture from Universidad de los Andes. Former student assistant for the CAPAZ project “Stabilization of Peace in Colombia through Justice and Truth” and current CAPAZ Community Manager. E-mail: valentina.pardo@instituto-capaz.org
Juliana González Villamizar. BA in philosophy from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and MA in Political Theory from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt (Germany). She is currently a doctoral candidate at Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany) and a Science Collaborator at CAPAZ. E-mail: juliana.gonzalez@instituto-capaz.org
Access the Policy Brief 1-2021 Línea Azul (.pdf, in Spanish)
This Policy Brief was supported and sponsored by CAPAZ and CEDPAL.
(NW Text: Claudia Maya, taken from PB1-2021, Línea Azul. English: Tiziana Laudato)