“Peace in times of COVID-19”: Stefan Peters in El Espectador

Photo: El Espectador
In a recent article published by the Colombian newspaper El Espectador, CAPAZ Director, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters explains the importance of continuing to support the implementation of peace in Colombia, even during the current COVID-19 crisis. The reality of dealing with the current sanitary situation must not distance Colombia’s society and government from persisting in the pursuit of peace. Both the virus and the safeguarding of peace pose challenges that are part of the same social and economic context.
“COVID-19 is looming like the Sword of Damocles over the progress made so far and threatens to undermine the peace process”, Prof. Peters states in his article. In the end, Professor Peters enunciates several recommendations to adopt measures to further the implementation and establishment of peace, even during this pandemic.
Read the full article (in Spanish)
Stefan Peters. La paz en tiempos de coronavirus (Peace in times of COVID-19). Published in El Espectador, on the 17.4.2020. Accessed: 17.4.2020 at: [https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/justicia/la-paz-en-tiempos-del-coronavirus-articulo-915087]
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)