Peace in the pandemic and the future: Angelika Rettberg in the last episode of the CAPAZ series
Angelica Rettberg, Professor of Political Science at Universidad de los Andes, is our guest in this twelfth episode, the last in the series of CAPAZ video-columns about peace in Colombia in times of coronavirus.
Episode 12 – La paz, ahora más que nunca (in Spanish)
Professor Rettberg will discuss what, in her opinion, have been some of the successes and other “red flags” of the implementation of the peace agreements signed in Colombia, in 2016. The issues she talks about have been brought to light, to a great extent, by the circumstances imposed by the pandemic.
But the discussion does not stop there: in the discussion on possible future perspectives, Professor Rettberg considers it necessary to address issues such as the social and political role of former FARC-EP combatants and how Colombian society assumes their reintegration and reincorporation; Venezuelan migration and the border situation; and, of course, relations with the ELN guerrilla.
Between April and July 2020, CAPAZ presented twelve weekly audio-visual discussions on peace in times of COVID-19. The last episode of the “Peace, now more than ever” series is just as revealing—or indeed more so—as the previous episodes. We would be delighted to know that this audio-visual material is being used for consultation and reflection on the peace agenda in Colombia.
All the episodes of the CAPAZ web video-column: “Peace, now more than ever” are available through the Institute’s Youtube and Instagram channels.
Access the episodes on YouTube:
1- Implementación de la paz y cooperación internacional en tiempos de coronavirus – Guest: Stefan Peters
2.1- Paz y pandemia en la ruralidad – El Cauca (parte 1) – Guest: Axel Rojas
2.2- Producción y economías durante la pandemia – El Cauca (parte 2) – Guest: Axel Rojas
3- La JEP ante la pandemia: dilemas del tribunal de paz en Colombia – Guest: Juliette Vargas
4- La Comisión de la Verdad ante la pandemia: retos regionales y comunitarios – Guest: Audes Jiménez González
5- La Unidad de Búsqueda frente a la pandemia de COVID-19 – Guest: Luz Marina Monzón
6- El Golfo de Urabá: dinámicas migratorias y pandemia – Guest: Astrid Osorio Álvarez
7- Revitalizando nuestra diversidad: reflexiones de Hernando Chindoy ante el coronavirus – Guest: Hernando Chindoy
8- Hacer e investigar la memoria en tiempos de COVID-19 – Guest: Gabriel Ruiz Romero
9- Comunidades, universidad pública y agenda de paz bajo COVID-19 – Guest: Martha Nubia Bello
10- La construcción de paz “desde abajo” en tiempos de COVID-19 – Guest: John Jairo Uribe
11- Una perspectiva desde los estudios sociales de la salud y alimentación sobre COVID-19 – Guest: Stefan Pohl Valero
12- Prioridades ante la pandemia y a futuro: Angelika Rettberg sobre paz en Colombia – Guest: Angelika Rettberg
CAPAZ web video-column: “Peace, now more than ever”:
Conception and production: Hanna Thiesing and Claudia Maya
Supervised by: Stefan Peters
Production: Instituto CAPAZ
©Copyright Instituto CAPAZ 2020
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)