Kai Ambos talks to Semana about the ICC Jurisdiction in Palestinian cases

Kai Ambos en/in Revista Semana
“A solid jurisdictional foundation? The fragile jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court for crimes in Palestine” is the title of the recent column written by Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos for Semana magazine. The text notes that “the ICC’s territorial jurisdiction presupposes some form of statehood, and it is precisely this that is highly contested with regard to Palestine”.
In his column, Prof. Ambos refers to the decision implemented in February this year by Pre-Trial Chamber I on the question of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) with regard to possible war crimes committed in Israeli-occupied Palestinian Territories.
Read the full article (in Spanish)
Kai Ambos is Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Comparative Law, International Criminal Law, and Public International Law at the University of Göttingen (GAU); he is also a judge at the Special Tribunal for Kosovo, The Hague, and amicus curiae advisor to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia. The article has been translated into Spanish from German by Sem Sandoval Reyes, Rodolfo González Espinosa (LL.M), doctoral students at GAU, and Álvaro Gómez Castro, Master’s student at GAU. Review by Milena Schellenberger, PhD student at GAU; Gustavo Urquizo (LL.M), PhD student and lecturer at GAU, and the author.
Kai Ambos. ¿”Una base competencial sólida”? La frágil competencia de la Corte Penal Internacional para crímenes en Palestina. En: Revista Semana, 23 de febrero de 2021. Recuperado de [https://www.semana.com/opinion/articulo/una-base-competencial-solida-la-fragil-competencia-de-la-corte-penal-internacional-para-crimenes-en-palestina/202104/]
(NW: Claudia Maya, from Revista Semana. English: Tiziana Laudato)