Join us in May 2019, for the CAPAZ and University of Giessen academic calendar
CAPAZ invites those interested to join us for two academic events held on Wednesday May 15, 2019 at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany. Free entry.
“Transitional Justice in Colombia: The rights of the victims and the role of the perpetrators in the Special Jurisdiction for Peace”
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. / Room 002, School of Law at the University of Giessen (Licherstrasse 68, D-35394 Giessen). Free entry.
The centrality of the victims is a basic premise of the concept of Transitional Justice and, in the Colombian case, has been a standard of the Final Agreement signed in 2016 by the government and the FARC-EP guerrilla. Transitional Justice is based on the possibility to offer a path towards reconciliation and the transformation of society and its raison d’être is to guarantee the victims their right to truth, justice, reparation, and non-repetition.
The roundtable is co-organised by the CAPAZ Institute and the Chair for Peace Studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen. It will discuss the paradigm -in Colombia- of victims’ inclusion, recognition, and participation, proposed through the Integrated System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition settled in the Final Agreement.
It will also review existing tensions and difficulties in rendering possible the paradigm and the role of the victims and aggressors in peacebuilding through the components of the Integrated System, specifically through the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP). The roundtable will be conducted in Spanish.
The following speakers will present their research:
– Juliette Vargas (University of Göttingen / CAPAZ): “The victims’ right to participation in transitional justice. The case of JEP in Colombia”.
– Dr. Francisco Cortés Rodas (Philosophy Institute at Universidad de Antioquia): “The purpose of punishment, reduced sentences, and impunity in the transitional justice in Colombia”.
– Catalina Ibañez Gutiérrez (Universität Konstanz): “The legal bases and operations of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in the Colombian judicial system”.
Moderator: Dr. Rosario Figari Layús (Justus Liebig University Giessen / CAPAZ).
Einladung zur Diskussionsveranstaltung (auf Deutsch)
Contact: Rosario Figari Layús: Rosario.Figari-Layus@recht.uni-giessen.de / Juliette Vargas: juliette.vargas@www.instituto-capaz.org /eventos@www.instituto-capaz.org
Speech by Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters (in German):
“The difficult path to peace: Interdisciplinary perspectives in the Colombian post conflict”
6:00 – 7:30 p.m. / Chancellor’s office (Rektorenzimmer) Justus Liebig University Giessen (Ludwigstraße 23, D-35390 Giessen)
The CAPAZ Academic Director, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters will present a speech during the summer event 2019 organised by the Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law (GGS) at Justus Liebig University Giessen. Free entry. Please register for the event by writing to: info@ggs.uni-giessen.de
More information (in German)