“Fundamentos de Derecho Probatorio en Materia Penal”: Recent publication by Kai Ambos

The book presents the results of the transnational research project conducted by the Centre for the Study of Latin American Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure (CEDPAL) of the University of Göttingen, entitled “Fundamentos de derecho probatorio en materia penal” (Fundamentals of Probative Law in Criminal Matters) and directed by Prof. Dr. h.c. Kai Ambos (University of Göttingen, Germany) and Prof. Dr. Ezequiel Malarino (Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina).
In this respect, the works contained in the book, elaborated and discussed by outstanding academics from the Ibero-American sphere, address some of the fundamental and most current problems of criminal evidence, such as the role of truth in the probative dynamic, probative freedom and the reservation of law, models of evidence analysis, standards of evidence, argumentation about facts and their control by higher courts, ethical limits to ascertaining the truth in the process, evidence at the stage of judicial individualisation of the sentence and the principle of contradictory and immediate reception of evidence.
Ambos, K., Malarino, E. “Fundamentos de derecho probatorio en materia penal”. 1st Edition, Tirant lo Blanch/CEDPAL, October 31, 2019. 334 pgs. ISBN Paper: 9788413362502 / ISBN Ebook: 9788413362519
(Text: Claudia Maya, English version: Tiziana Laudato)