Fourth version of the Peace Slam in Stuttgart
Following three Peace Slams in Colombia, the fourth will be held in Germany.
What is Peace Slam?
The Peace Slam is a public space in which research papers or projects are presented in a fun and creative way. The Slam is open to students, researchers and people working in the field of education, NGOs, or projects, and is intended to promote the creative transfer of knowledge and experience on issues related to political education for peace.
The Slam is organised within the framework of the CAPAZ project on Education and Science Diplomacy and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This, the fourth edition, will take place in collaboration with the Academy of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.
How does the Slam work?
Each participant or slammer has a maximum of ten minutes to present his or her research project or initiative. A variety of formats can be used including text, music, video, or photos. However, the focus should be on making the presentation as creative, understandable, and entertaining as possible.
The Peace Slam in Germany
Political education plays an important role in promoting coexistence in any society. However, what role can political education play in promoting peace, and what are the potentials and limitations of political education in terms of strengthening coexistence? With these questions as a backdrop, the motto of the fourth Peace Slam is,
“Do we need political education for peace? Experiences from Latin America and Europe”.
Important information about the Peace Slam in Germany
Date and time: Saturday, December 17, 2022, starting at 5:30 p.m.
Place: Stuttgart.
Language: German.
Winning Slammers will receive a monetary prize (see .PDF of the invitation)
Conditions and procedure to participate in the Peace Slam in Germany
- Who can be a slammer?
Students, doctoral students or academics, along with all those who work or participate in civil society in relation to the topic.
- Send the following information to claudia.maya@instituto-capaz.org
- Personal data (name and surname, address, place of residence, e-mail address, telephone number)
- Title and brief description of your presentation for the Peace Slam in the scope of the topic announced (max. 100 words)
- Information on the use of media or type of presentation (what media will be used for the presentation?)
- Will media be used for the presentation? (e.g., images, audio-visuals, rhymes, songs, or improvisations).
- Information on technical equipment needed (e.g., projector, microphone, Internet)
Application deadline and important dates
- The deadline for the submission of proposals and information for the Slam is November 25, 2022.
- Participant short-listing will take place until December 6, 2022, and the winners announced in the next few days.
- The Slam will take place on December 17, 2022.
Click here for terms of reference and all application information (.pdf in German).