CAPAZ 2019 Summer School Agenda in Berlin
The CAPAZ 2019 Summer School will take place in Berlin from 23 to 27 September 2019. The academic school is organised by CAPAZ, the Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI) of the Freie Universität Berlin, with the support of the LAI Alumni Programme, the GLOCON (Global Change-Local Conflicts) project, and TrAndeS (Postgraduate Programme in Sustainable Development and Social Inequalities in the Andean Region).
Based on the question “An exclusive peace? Peacebuilding in unequal contexts”, the academic school will analyse the implications of peacebuilding in Colombia in contexts of extreme social inequalities.
The summer school sessions will address four central themes: territoriality, memory, democracy, and justice. The programme will include discussions on historical memory in Germany and other countries. Researchers from Colombian and German universities will lead the sessions and discussions.
There will also be an offer of parallel activities in the German capital, such as visits to places of memory, meetings with members of the German Parliament, and a screening of documentary films.
Find out about the academic programme of the CAPAZ 2019 Summer School (in Spanish).
(Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)