Entrevista/Interview: Stefan Peters on the Latin American Post Portal

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CAPAZ Academic Director and Professor of Peace Studies at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, spoke to the Latin American Post about the presentation of the quarterly report by the Head of the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia to the UN Security Council.
The CAPAZ Director contributed to the article: “UN: peace in Colombia cannot be another victim of COVID-19”, with his comments on a number of factors caused by the pandemic and the social inequalities, which hinder the implementation of Colombia’s peace agreements.
Lea el artículo completo (en español)
Read the article (in English)
Javier Delgado Rivera. UN: peace in Colombia cannot be another victim of COVID-19. Published on Latin American Post, 13.7.2020. Accessed 13.7.2020 at: [https://latinamericanpost.com/es/33647-onu-la-paz-en-colombia-no-puede-ser-victima-del-covid]
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)