“The post-agreement reached Tumaco hand-in-hand with violence”

Cover of the Issue 224, UN Newspaper
Luis Gabriel Salas Salazar and Jonas Wolff published the article entitled: “El posacuerdo llegó con violencia a Tumaco” (The post-agreement reached Tumaco hand-in-hand with violence) in March 2020, in the last issue (224) of Universidad Nacional de Colombia newspaper.
The article presents the main findings of the first phase of a CAPAZ supported study on violence and armed conflict in Tumaco. This is how the article is introduced: “After the demobilisation of the FARC in 2016, this Nariño municipality has witnessed a significant increase in violence against the civilian population to gain control of the territory in order to lead the coca and illegal mining business. This, added to the conditions of poverty and unemployment, makes Tumaco a symbol of the challenges and obstacles to building a stable and lasting peace in Colombia”.
Luis Gabriel Salas Salazar is a professor at the Department of Geography, School of Human Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Jonas Wolff is director of the Department of Research on “Intra-State Conflicts” at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), Germany. Both institutions are founding members of CAPAZ.
Article in the UNAL Newspaper (Nr.224, in Spanish) / You may also be interested in: UNAL Newspaper Special “Tumaco needs Colombia” (in Spanish)
(NW Text: Claudia Maya. English version: Tiziana Laudato)