CAPAZ working paper (6-2019): “The didactic management of sexualised violence in war. A look through the wars of dissolution in Yugoslavia as an example”

Cover of the CAPAZ Working Paper 06-2019
Introduction (extract):
Based within a historical and educational perspective, and using the example of the Yugoslav wars of dissolution –mainly the Bosnian war of 1992-1995—, this working paper addresses the question of the extent to which sexual or sexualised violence, as perpetrated en masse in the course of wars, civil wars, civil war-type conflicts, and comparable forms of armed conflict, constitutes an appropriate and significant object of historical learning.
Oliver Plessow
Professor of didactics of history at the University of Rostock, Germany, since 2015. Previously, PhD in medieval history from the University of Münster, Germany; academic collaborator in various research projects on the Middle Ages, lecturer at a vocational training institution, and professor of didactics of history at the University of Kassel for many years. His current research topics include historical learning in non-formal education and the didactic handling of mass crimes and dictatorial experiences. Contact: oliver.plessow@uni-rostock.de
Read the full CAPAZ working paper 6-2019 (in Spanish, PDF)
Plessow, O. The didactic management of sexualised violence in war. A look through the wars of dissolution in Yugoslavia as an example. CAPAZ Working Paper 6-2019. Bogotá, December 2019, 52 p. ISSN: 2711-0354
(Text NW008-2020: Claudia Maya, English version: Tiziana Laudato)