CAPAZ Working Paper (1-2021): Environmental peacebuilding
“Environmental peacebuilding”, the first CAPAZ Working Paper published in 2021, was written by researcher Tobias Ide, professor of Political Science and Public Policy at Murdoch University in Perth. The research presents a brief overview of current debates on environmental security and introduces the theoretical and conceptual framework and then addresses existing empirical research on environmental peacebuilding. The study was supported and sponsored by CAPAZ and Colombia Connect, a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Higher Education and Research (BMBF).
Working Paper 1-2021 CAPAZ (.pdf, in English) / Documento de trabajo 1-2021 CAPAZ (.pdf, in Spanish)
Ide, T. Environmental peacebuilding. CAPAZ Working Paper 1-2021, Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz – CAPAZ. March 2021.
(NW: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)