Cider Policy Paper by Sara Vélez, former CAPAZ scholarship holder
Sara Vélez Zapata, a graduate of the Master’s in Interdisciplinary Studies on Development (Cider) at Universidad de los Andes, and a former scholar at the CAPAZ 2017 Winter School is the author of Cider Policy Paper No. 10, published in November 2019.
The article entitled “Paz desde lo local. La fase veredal del PDET en El Bagre: voz sin decisión” (Peace based within the Local. The rural phase of the PDET in El Bagre: A voice without decision) directed by Professor Mauricio Uribe López is the result of a Master’s degree research project in Interdisciplinary Studies on the Development of Cider (Universidad de los Andes).
The research project was financed by the author herself and involved community leaders from El Bagre, a municipality in the department of Antioquia, and local officials from the Territorial Renewal Agency (ART).
Sara Vélez Zapata is a political scientist from Universidad EAFIT and has a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies on the Development of Cider from Universidad de los Andes.
Contact: svelezz@eafit.edu.co / s.velezz@uniandes.edu.co
This article analyses the formulation process of the Development Programmes with Territorial Approach (PDET), from the critical perspective of the local turn in peacebuilding and provides empirical evidence about the role of the community actors in the implementation process of the Colombian peace agreement. The analysis is framed within the national and international academic literature on peacebuilding that seeks to highlight the importance of community participation in processes and initiatives that aim to build shared futures in which violence is not the protagonist. The research question is: which conditions explain the participation level during the formulation of the PDET in its rural phase in El Bagre (Antioquia)? A case study is carried out using a process tracing methodology, thus arguing that the Community Pact for Regional Transformation corresponds to a participatory process of tokenism (voice without decision).
Key words: peacebuilding, participation, turn to the local, PDET, Colombian peace agreement.
Vélez Zapata, S. Paz desde lo local. La fase veredal del PDET en El Bagre: voz sin decisión. Cider, Universidad de los Andes. Bogotá, noviembre 2019. 23 pgs. ISSN 2538-9491
Publication (PDF, in Spanish)
(Text: Claudia Maya, English version: Tiziana Laudato, Cider)