“Unlikely dialogues”, Javeriana project presents digital platforms
“Unlikely dialogues” is the title of the project led by CAPAZ-founding member, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ), together with Sheffield University in the UK, and CINEP in Colombia. The project is led by researchers Simon Rushton (Sheffield University) and Jefferson Jaramillo Marín (PUJ) who coordinated the CAPAZ-supported Project on local archive management for peace in Buenaventura, in 2019.
The interdisciplinary team of researchers working on the “Unlikely dialogues” project has been conducting participatory research with communities in Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca), Tibú (Norte de Santander) and Vista Hermosa (Meta) for two and a half years. From a local territorial perspective, and based on different approaches, the project seeks to recognise, support, and strengthen the local capacities of communities and organisations in the areas to promote social debate.
Visit the Unlikely dialogues web page and fanpage on Facebook
To find out more, write to: proyecto.dialogosimprobables@gmail.com
(NW: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)