“Social crisis in Colombia: social inequality undermines democracy” – DW interview with Stefan Peters
“Colombia is wasting the talents of its young people, and not just in marginalised neighbourhoods. Offering them access to education, health, and work is promoting democracy, says CAPAZ Director Stefan Peters in an interview with DW”. German broadcaster Deutsche Welle in Spanish interviewed Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters on the occasion of the IACHR visit to Colombia.
Read the full interview (in Spanish)
José Ospina-Valencia. “Crisis social en Colombia: la desigualdad social mina la democracia”. En: Deutsche Welle, publicado el 7.6.2021. Recuperado el 8.6.2021 de: [https://www.dw.com/es/crisis-social-en-colombia-la-desigualdad-social-mina-la-democracia/a-57807956]
(NW: Claudia Maya. English: Tiziana Laudato)